Friday, September 25, 2015

Forcing AD Replication

Sometimes relationship between domains do not synchronize as it should. And you want to run a script that force DCs to copy the directories, there's many way that you can accomplish this. Below are the easiest way to do this. You must run cmd as Administrator first. 

1. When you want to synchronize with a specific DC. Syntax is:

repadmin /sync
  <sourceDCGUID> /force

Namingcontext is LDAP-ese for the particular database that you want to replicate. For example, LDAP's naming context for the AD domain is dc=me,dc=search,dc=com. DestinationDCname is the DNS name of the pulling DC. To tell DC1 to pull AD changes from DC2, I replace destinationDCname with 

2. An easier approach uses an option that doesn't require any GUIDs. To force DC1 to pull changes from all its replication partners, The syntax is: 

repadmin /syncall

This omit the naming context and force the DC replicates the forest's schema and configuration naming contexts.

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